Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Things to Do

When I create itineraries for my clients they are always amazed at the amount of options I provide.  Most of them can't believe the services or events I've selected are even available in Baltimore.  I often hear people complain that they can't  find anything to do in the city and my response to them is always, "That's because your not looking." The only things that limit your entertainment options are your budget, transportation, and your willingness to step outside your comfort zone.  I'll admit, events don't exactly jump out at you the way the do in D.C or New York but, you can find whatever your social life needs right hear in good old Charm City.  You just have to know where to look.  Here are four tips to help you find exactly what you need to spice up your social life:
  1. Pick up a Free Paper- The City PaperBaltimore's Child, and B are packed full of traditional and eclectic events.  You might event discover a new hobby or favorite place.  
  2. Keep an Open Mind- You can't find something new if your not willing to try something new.  Don't write off an event or venue because your friends never heard of it, distance, or because it has a couple bad reviews.  Everything isn't for everybody.  Just because one or two random strangers online didn't like it doesn't mean you wont have a great time.  Remember, people tend to post and spread complaints faster then praise.  
  3. Ride Shotgun- If your always the driver, take the passenger seat or public transportation.  You'll be amazed at how many event advertisements and venues you never notice while you were driving.  
  4. Hire Me- Shameless plug I know, but it is part of what I do folks. My company can crate an itinerary tailored to your personality and preferences to help you celebrate any occasion. Itineraries start at $60, logistics and day of support are additional.  If my services don't fit in your budget no worries:-) You can subscribe to this blog, follow me on Twitter (@Slplanning), Facebook (Lovelaceplanning) or Google+ (Sherria Lovelace) for tips, reviews, and recommendations. 

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